Blitzz Video uses variable bitrate codecs for all communication. This means that the quality of a call will be dynamically adjusted to adapt to changing network conditions, and therefore the bandwidth usage will vary throughout the duration of the call.

Use the following table as a guide for estimating data rates for common use cases. The actual bandwidth consumed will vary based on network conditions. 

Media QualityData transfer rate (kilobits per second)Data transfer rate (GB per minute)Typical call duration (5 Minutes)Network
Lo-res Video (240x180) + HD Audio
200 kbps0.0015 GB / min7.5 MBWiFi / 3G
SD Video (640x480) + HD Audio 
540 kbps

0.00405 GB/ min

20.25 MBWiFi / LTE / 3G

We recommend a minimum of 540 kbps (up/down) bandwidth for video calling with a decent experience.

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