Tips for a great video call experience

Choppy video can be frustrating during a video call. Fortunately, here are a few tips that can improve call quality: 

  1. Use fast internet or with an ethernet cable. Video quality adapts to internet speed, so the faster your internet connection, the better the video quality you will experience. 
  2. Use a newer computer or mobile phone with plenty of speed. Sending and receiving video takes a lot of computer power. Old or slow computers will have a harder time processing the video, which can cause choppiness. 
  3. Use headphones. Typically your computer will automatically eliminate echo or audio feedback so you don't hear yourself talking. But if it happens, have the participant and yourself use headphones.
  4. Restart your computer before a call. Other software might be using computer power or interfere with your video or microphone. Restarting your computer will assure your computer is ready for video. 
    • The above four tips apply to both participants on the call. 
  5. Please read this article if you as the remote agent/inspector are taking numerous photos during the video call. 


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